1 definition by An Upperclass British Twit.

A stupid term used by North Americans. It is commonly used in commercial airline flights and is said (usually by the pilot or stewards) when it is time to get off the plane. What the stupid Americans don't realize however, is that there was already a word for that. DISEMBARK. Therefore, many Europeans will wonder what the hell the pilot was smoking to have come up with such a silly made-up word.
Pilot: "Attention passengers, as we make our final approach into LAX I would like to remind you to stay seated until the plane has come to a complete stop and until we begin to deplane. Thank you."

European passenger 1: "What the hell does 'deplane' mean?"

European passenger 2: "I think he ment disembarking."

European passenger 1: "Oh, what a stupid twit then."
by An Upperclass British Twit. January 15, 2011
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