4 definitions by Amy Mills

The next successor to the throne of the most used Operating System franchise, that is Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft Windows Vista touts enhanced security, productivity and experience, whilst enabling and powering the communication and operating enhancements for the next half a decade.
Microsoft Windows Vista is expected to be released to Enterprise Customers in November, and consumers early 2007 alongside flagship office suite, Microsoft Office 2007.
I will surely upgrade to windows vista in the new year.
by Amy Mills August 20, 2006
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It's a feeling nobody should know... it's that lonely, cold feeling you get when you haven't had some pussy/dick in awhile.

It's a song by Prince and was the B-side to 'If I Was Your Girlfriend'
"Yo man, can't come out today, feeling the shockadelica"
by Amy Mills February 26, 2007
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Yo, that bitch just totally toothed yo' hat
by Amy Mills August 20, 2006
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Yo, that bitch just totally toothed yo' hat
by Amy Mills August 21, 2006
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