1 definition by Amber-rose,walrus

Squag is the meanest bitch in town who walks around with wrinkles and tennis balls on her walker and has saggy cheeks in all areas . A flappy fanny with bad odour she is often found lurking in the gay bars for threesomes looking up youngens and lets it all hang out.Her tits reach the floor stepping on them as she walks. She smells Like fish and rolls in mud and lives under a bush. You will only find her once in a blue moon so hug her when you did she is a lonely except her 5 best friends And one supper best friend who should be in a mental hospital if anyone ever hears their conversation. She also loves watching people's heads being cut if by a lawnmower in scream queens. Falls down the stairs when drunk and has her ass hanging out when she fall of the sofa. But she is the best person ever. Followed by unicorns and rainbows.
Here comes squag hug her but Don't step on her tits.
Happy birthday girl.xx
by Amber-rose,walrus January 7, 2017
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