6 definitions by Amaretto Kramer

(pronounced SOH-tohs) Acronym meaning "Shit on top of shit." When you're having a day so bad, and it seems that absolutely nothing goes right, you're going through SOTOS.
Don't fuck with me today. I'm going through SOTOS, and I'm liable to twist someone's head off like a soda bottle!!!!
by Amaretto Kramer June 21, 2006
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young women, under age girls who try to look and act older
R. Kelly needs to stop messin with those younglings.
by Amaretto Kramer March 7, 2006
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A police officer, specifically a crooked one; A cop who worries more about making his/her quota than doing their job. They usually show their true bitchiness during the end of the month, similar to a woman's menstrual cycle.
We were all just chillin, having fun, then bacon bitch rolled up on us for no reason!
by Amaretto Kramer February 9, 2006
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A police officer, specifically a crooked one; A cop who worries more about making his/her quota than doing their job.
We were all just chillin, having fun, then bacon bitch rolled up on us!
by Amaretto Kramer February 8, 2006
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A dildo for men who have faulty "equipment"
Rudolph Giuliani must use a prosthetic penis, since he can't get it up. Funny how he needs to use a fake dick, when he happens to be a real dick!
by Amaretto Kramer November 28, 2006
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The time of the month when police run around ticketing or arresting people to fill their quota. The tickets are usually for minor infractions, or trumped up offenses. (Ex: they catch someone urinating on a wall, and arrest them for indecent exposure)
Don't jaywalk, man... bacon bitch is going through po-po period right now.
by Amaretto Kramer February 16, 2006
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