1 definition by AllYourWingates

A basement dwelling, knuckle dragging, pig kissing, elitist. One who hums on papa Filip's lil smokey.

His "S00p3R XtReMe h4rdCorRE gang of cYb3r HoMiEz, also C0CK" can be found lurking around the inter tubes preying on the weak, autistic products of the FUCKING WORLD WIDE WEB, and plotting their takeover of Canuckistan via attack moosies and naval beavers.
"VecTOR@USEast: Hey bro have you seen Hackies around? I need help patching a forceful rejection issue of leet L1/L2/L3 proxies on Maelstrom hak attk bot.

DeWG@THEFUCKINGINTERNETHATEMACHINE: Yeah bro i pooned him into the 7th dimension. He is probably hiding in #PiLe/iNUT6 humming yankee doodle on 56k-Shadows "Penis, only smaller".
by AllYourWingates January 8, 2019
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