26 definitions by Akasha

i think the book is better than the movie....i like the movie because of kirsten dunst...hehe...she is cute in this movie,isn´t she..??whatever...i adore anne rice!!
it´s the first part of anne rice´s vampire chronicles....and it´s great!!!read it!!
by Akasha September 1, 2004
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A city in California filled with stupid kids, potheads, and people who play muds.
Oak Park, where no one will hear you if you fall.
by Akasha January 21, 2005
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To roll horribly in a tabletop rpg. To be doomed.
I botched every roll last night. My character...is no more.
by Akasha January 21, 2005
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he is heaven and hell in one person!!
there is no creature on earth who has a more beautiful voice or a more mysterious appearance!!
he has the perfection of a vampire!
by Akasha August 26, 2004
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a beautifukl girl who is in love with billie joe armstrong sadly he doesn't know her but he will love her soon.
cristy you re the soul of my life-b.j.
really billie joe? I love you too!-c
by Akasha March 29, 2005
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1323 kb of pure, roguelike joy. Inspiration for another roguelike game, zangband.
Angband will even run on your inferior computer, dude.
by Akasha January 21, 2005
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To have Sex. To produce cookies. See orgasm.
The proper way to bake a cookie is to preheat the oven before sticking in the dough.
by Akasha January 21, 2005
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