4 definitions by Agrohippie

A person appearing to be kind and have a hippie-like nature but has a really short fuse and explosive temper
My friend was speaking calmly and said 'peace brother ' to another guy, and when he responded with a "Pshhh" my friend started beating the guy in the face! -Wow, your friend sounds like a real agrohippie.
by Agrohippie August 25, 2016
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A person appearing to be kind and have a hippie-like nature but has a really short fuse and explosive temper
My friend was speaking calmly and said 'peace brother ' to another guy, and when he responded with a "Pshhh" my friend started beating the guy in the face! -Wow, your friend sounds like a real agrohippie.
by Agrohippie August 25, 2016
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A person appearing to be kind and have a hippie-like nature but has a really short fuse and explosive temper
My friend was speaking calmly and said 'peace brother ' to another guy, and when he responded with a "Pshhh" my friend started beating the guy in the face! -Wow, your friend sounds like a real agrohippie.
by Agrohippie August 25, 2016
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To wake up in the morning and need to listen to music, and throughout the day and night, but its the kind of addiction you really enjoy having because there no negative side
I have to have music on at work, but it sure is a pleasant addiction
by Agrohippie August 25, 2016
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