203 definitions by Ae5Ea8

Combination of "empty nest syndrome" and "catbox," describing the empty feeling when, for whatever reason, you no longer have a cat (and the accompanying turds in the catbox) to take care of.
Fluffy left for college. I'm suffering from empty catbox syndrome.
by Ae5Ea8 March 25, 2015
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1. In football, a term describing the deflating of footballs. See Deflategate.
2. A legal term describing the affirmative duty of the prosecution to disclose any material evidence favorable to the defendant and relevant to the prosecution’s case in chief. The evidence that must be turned over is any evidence that would tend to nullify guilt or reduce culpability or punishment.
Deflategate v. Pats (holding that deflating footballs is uncool (i.e., a Brady violation)).
by Ae5Ea8 May 13, 2015
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Combination of "flatulence" and "fly," describing the act of enthusiastic wind-breaking while either (1) walking along a busy airport concourse, or (2) sitting on an air plane at altitude. Due to the extremely high level of ambient noise in both situations, you feel confident that your contribution will go unnoticed. The joy of such a taboo release in a public place may induce a slight elation.
Hopefully not, but flytulence may eventually lead to you to floating in the middle of an ocean, holding onto a seat cushion full of beer farts. (hat tip to George Carlin)
by Ae5Ea8 April 10, 2015
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A movie based on "Failure to Launch" in which Matthew McConaughey is unable to scratch his nifkin.
Failure to Bonch, in movie theaters now.
by Ae5Ea8 November 9, 2016
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Combination of "focus" and "faux," describing the act of pretending to pay attention in class while you're doing something else. Well-timed nods at important assertions and brows furrowed in intellectual curiosity go a long way toward indicating that you are actively engaged in the class conversation. In truth, however, you may be texting, emailing, or shopping for shoes.
Maintaining proper fauxcus, Johnny was walking on the razor's edge: While gorging himself on epic fail videos of kittens trying to pounce on each other, he appeared to the professor to be actively engaged in the class conversation.
by Ae5Ea8 April 5, 2015
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A hiccup and a burp at the same time.
Sorry I just hurped. That was me, not a frog dying.
by Ae5Ea8 February 14, 2015
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The ability to delay the gratification of taking a s&*t until you can get home and use your own toilet.
George Costanza understood the benefits of delayed shatification.
by Ae5Ea8 October 30, 2016
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