3 definitions by AdmiralofShe

The nice way of saying you're sticking your poor dog in some veterinary dog boarding place for a few days while you get to enjoy guiltless trips across the country. Monster.
"Hey, we're just about ready to leave for the weekend beach getaway!"

"Okay, just let me get our dog to the puppy hotel first."
by AdmiralofShe April 10, 2017
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A phrase often used on people in trouble or requesting help. Unlike conventional phrases, it means that you can't help them, and they're on their own. Coined by a bystander watching a man trying to fight pirates off his paddle boat, but was overpowered.

Usually used in cases when the troubled person has no hope of winning otherwise, or is very likely to fail without outside support.
Soldier: "Sir! The enemy broke through our defenses! We can't hold them off!"
Commander: "USE THE PADDLES!"

Student 1: "Hey, I forgot to study for the test today. Any advice you could give me?"
Student 2: "Well, I guess you have to use the paddles."
Student 1: "Aw, shit."
by AdmiralofShe October 17, 2016
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When the populace interjects conversation in erudite or esoteric vocabulary... shit...i just did it. Frivolous eloquence is the nice way of saying that someone's talking in words way too big or advanced to be understood by us common folk. They forget the purpose of words. It's not to sound fancy and above, but to communicate with others. And whats the point of talking big if no one will understand you?
scene cuts to a dim club with muscular tough guys playing pool; Plankton stands at the door

Felicitations, malefactors! I am endeavoring to misappropriate the formulary for the preparation of affordable comestibles! Who will join me!?

-A prime example of Frivolous Eloquence
by AdmiralofShe April 26, 2017
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