2 definitions by Adam B. Cole

A strange type of breasts in which their characteristics sag slightly before curving up with a conclusive optimism. The topography of the nipple inexplainably defies the gravity of the breast itself. They commonly resemble a pair of gourds or broad lantern hooks.
"Yeah, her and I had sex, but she wouldn't take off her bra. I think she was embaressed by her rocket rags."
by Adam B. Cole January 16, 2009
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Sagging and deflated breasts which resemble those of an orangutan. Often crowned with long and weathered nipples.
(Was once referenced in 'Scary Movie 2')
"Brian, your old neighbor lady was asking about you earlier."
"Which neighbor? Saggy Susan?"
"I don't know, the one with nicotine stained orangatitties."
by Adam B. Cole January 13, 2009
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