7 definitions by AbusiveTortoise

A party foul where the people attempting to hold your back half up for a kegstand aren't a strong enough unit to do so, and you end up parallel to the ground, sucking beer out of a hose like a real alcoholic.
I went to a sorority and the sisters were all doing kegplanks. They must be skipping arm days to do more squats.
by AbusiveTortoise July 7, 2018
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The at ready position during cunnilingus.
Do you like going down on girls?
Yea I'm always taller than girls so I can usually get some nice handfuls of boob action while in the slot.
by AbusiveTortoise April 13, 2018
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A location or event that is so rife with 10s that it's like they are literally growing on trees.
Were you at the EDM concert last night? That place was a dime forest!
by AbusiveTortoise December 28, 2016
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The dregs of society that do nothing but have sex in the street like rabbits to produce more societally worthless spawn
Courtney's fourth baby daddy just got out of prison and she's already pregnant. That bitch is such a total gutter rabbit.
by AbusiveTortoise July 4, 2017
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Any act of fellatio done by or to one or more hobos
"Steve, where did you lose your ostomy bag?"
"I've been prostituting the hole off, I misplaced the damn bag again."
"What am I supposed to put down for Reason for Visit, hobollatio?"
by AbusiveTortoise July 4, 2017
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A euphemism for WAP.
My head game is fire, punani dasani
Its goin in dry and its comin out soggy
by AbusiveTortoise September 7, 2020
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A party foul where at first you expect a sneeze, prompting friends to say, ‘bless you!’, but end up vomiting with the force of the expected sneeze
Oh my god.. last night while playing True American I sneeze puked off a chair into the lava.
by AbusiveTortoise July 14, 2018
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