2 definitions by Abercrombie_surfer

1. A stylish, over-expensive clothing store. It's creators (and their families) are, literally, rolling in dough (money).

2. A frikin' awesome guitarist. One of the masters of jazz guitar.
1. "Hey, let's go get some jeans from Abercrombie."

2. John Abercrombie is giving a concert next week!
by Abercrombie_surfer November 21, 2009
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A FRIKIN' AWESOME guitarist. Best known for playing in Billy Idol's band and co-writing and playing on the albums Don't Stop EP, Billy Idol (1982), Rebel Yell (1984), Whiplash Smile (1986), etcetera, etcetera. Long story short...Frikin' A!
Steve Stevens isn't on here?! You're kidding me...-_-
by Abercrombie_surfer November 21, 2009
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