1 definition by A_T_g

The biggest city in St. Louis county with about 87,000 people. The eastside of Duluth is the burbs which is called Lakeside. The rich neighborhood is almost right near Lakeside, and it's called Congdon. Hillside is one of the hoods in Duluth, it's basically just a typical inner city neighborhood with higher crime and etc. Duluth heights or Piedmont is another suburban neighborhood but just a bit shittier than Lakeside. West side and Lincoln Park are the two hoods where you don't need to try to hard to find trouble. Lincoln Park is basically the stabbing central of Duluth. Gary and New Duluth is a lot nicer than the other neighborhoods in the western end of Duluth. Woodland and Kenwood are kind of a mix of a rich and suburban neighborhood but Woodland is more out in the country the farther out you go. This city also has a real bad heroin and opioid problem. There's gang activity in Duluth but it's not significant like other big cities. Also a lot of Duluth teens think they're hard but are pussies. It's also super fucking cold in the winter.
Someone not from MN: "It's like negative 3 today, is Duluth normally like this in January?"
An MN resident: "That's not that bad, it was like negative 30 last week"
by A_T_g May 15, 2019
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