19 definitions by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105

Funny sentry refers to a placement of a sentry-gun in the game Team Fortress 2 by the engineer class that can be seen as humerous, usually only by the placer of said sentry-gun.
Usually funny sentry placers are ninjaneers.
A: Guys look at my funny sentry
(A jumps down from a high place and builds a max-level sentry in the middle of the battle-field that kills 1 person)
B: Nobody cares.
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 25, 2021
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manipulating somebody for your own benefit and fake being a respectable person.
A: Hey, I just found out my ex has been using me.
B: Viks moment!!!
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 April 5, 2022
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An Asten moment can be any of the following: blackmail, arm-chopping, over-obsession with hugs,
A: Dang... What if I chop my whole arm off?
B: Asten moment!
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 22, 2021
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A Vidikovac is a group of elementary school children smoking together at the same time, usually near pedophiles and some of the children may be bunnyhats.
A: Bro I'm on my way to Vidikovac
B: L
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 February 23, 2022
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A sexual act where a male partner volunterily transmits AIDs onto the other male partner.
A: Bro I just did Object Cosmos with circle dude.
B: Epic!!!
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 28, 2022
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Posting softcore cp, being hypersexual to deal with past trauma and raping one of your friends.
A: Bro, my friend is so toxic, he's 12 and posts THIS on tiktok.
B: Kai moment!
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 February 23, 2022
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Mimas's curse is in reference to something that would usually happen when going to google images and typing in the name of a moon plus the word moon after that and how if you scrolled far enough you would always find an image of Mimas instead of the moon you're looking for.
These days this curse doesn't really exist anymore but it used to in around late 2019 to middle 2020.

These days Mimas's curse isn't Mimas's anymore but different moons take it's place however when you repedetly get an image of a moon you weren't searching for it is still calledm Mimas's curse.
A: Hey, I'm trying to fid a good image of Enceladus but only Mimas and/or Titan keep showing up
B: Ah, Mimas's curse strikes again!
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 25, 2021
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