19 definitions by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105

Šoggers is a croatian version of the word "Poggers" derived from a misspelling. It has the exact same purpose as Poggers. It is pronounced "Shoggers"
"Šog" isn't valid.
A: Bro, I just got a dog, it's a dalmatian!
B: Šoggers!
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 22, 2021
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Portugese fucker, he made a totally epic show called SSA, you should check it out.
A: Bro I heard Mars and pluto-dooto have drama.
B: Mars mapping better, redpilled, based, pluto no social credit + L + ratio + dont care + didn't ask
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 28, 2022
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Best Songs Lmao, also known as BSL, is one of the largest music playlists on Youtube, with it having multiple sequals, spinoffs and even cross-platforming. The playlist was originally made by Orion 64 but is now being editted by multiple people
A: Hey, wanna listen to some tunes?
B: Yeah sure, but it's gotta be BSL
A: Sire, Best songs Lmao is my favourite playlist.
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 22, 2021
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Monte Zaro is a synonym with "un-existent." It can be used as an adjective but it's mostly used as a noun.
When the word is used as a noun it always describes a place that isn't real. You've never met somebody from here and you never will.
A: Hey I just met some guy, he lives in Monte-Zaro.
B: No you didn't.
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 22, 2021
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A group of fucking losers doing stupid shit that nobody gives a fuck about, Their group was taken over a few times but nobody gives a shit.
A: Bro I'm in this group called Minddpp.
B: Shut the fuck up.
by ARGUMENT EXTENDER105 December 23, 2021
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