187 definitions by ANOTHERDEADROMEO

Forget flying by the seat of your pants. Try flying by the stain of your thong!
"He came into your apartment. He left the Thong Stains on the carpet!"
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A kinder and gentler phrase to be used in place of the word "fuck".
Jerome: "I got sent to the principal's office today for allegedly telling the teacher to fuck that fucking fucker in regards to the principal, but I got in even worse trouble when the principal asked about my comment and I told him that I had actually said to make love to that lovemaking lovemaker. Which one is worse?"
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A more common phrase for the sport of racing. Much like motorcyclists, racers prefer to be known as Racists. Just for the record, a horse race itself is more commonly known as a Whore's Race as it involves racing anything from horses and whores to horse's whores and everything in between.
"Vic DiBitetto rode a horse named Horse Shit in the local horse race. Then he went on to ride a whore named Whore Shit in the National Whore's Race Championship! Much like a motorcyclist, he brings the Whore's Racism back to all of the Horse Racists!"
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The word "fan" as a supporter of something or someone equates to weaksauce. The word "fan" is for total piss-ons who grovel at the feet of whatever ilk they worship. I'm just a "viewer" of a movie, play or show. I am just a "listener" when it comes to bands & artists. I am never a "fan" & there is never a "we" between myself & their weak, groveling fan-bases.
"There is no "we" between myself & fans. They can enjoy all of the dumb shit they want to. I enjoy whatever I do. I'm not groveling to anyone in support of their music, roles or other content. I am not a herd animal walking among the fan-bases to be herded by their leaders."
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The word "fan" as a supporter of something or someone equates to weaksauce. The word "fan" is for total piss-ons who grovel at the feet of whatever ilk they worship. I'm just a "viewer" of a movie, play, game or show. I am just a "listener" when it comes to bands & artists. I am never a "fan" & there is never a "we" between myself & their weak, groveling fan-bases.
"There is no "we" between myself & fans. They can enjoy all of the dumb shit they want to. I enjoy whatever I enjoy. I'm not groveling to anyone in support of their music, roles or other content. I am not a herd animal walking among the fan-bases to be herded by their leaders. I am not a fan!"
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The word "fan" as a supporter of something or someone equates to weaksauce. The word "fan" is for total piss-ons who grovel at the feet of whatever ilk they worship. I'm just a "viewer" of a movie, play, game or show. I am just a "listener" when it comes to bands & artists. I am never a "fan" & there is never a "we" between myself & their weak, groveling fan-bases.
"There is no "we" between myself & fans. They can enjoy all of the dumb shit they want to. I enjoy whatever I enjoy. I'm not groveling to anyone in support of their music, roles or other content. I am not a herd animal walking among the fan-bases to be herded by their leaders. I am not a fan!"
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The word "fan" as a supporter of something or someone equates to weaksauce. The word "fan" is for total piss-ons who grovel at the feet of whatever ilk they worship. I'm just a "viewer" of a movie, play, game or show. I am just a "listener" when it comes to bands & artists. I am never a "fan" & there is never a "we" between myself & their weak, groveling fan-bases.

To be called a fan of someone by that same someone who claims that they personally have fans of their own is very egotistical of them to assume, if they assume that they are worthy of having underlings called fans that grovel to them, and these characters should always be reminded that their shit stinks like everybody else's does and then make sure to let them know that you might like what they do sometimes, but you are not a "fan".
"There is no "we" between myself & fans. They can enjoy all of the dumb shit they want to. I enjoy whatever I enjoy. I'm not groveling to anyone in support of their music, roles or other content. I am not a herd animal walking among the fan-bases to be herded by their leaders. I am not a fan!"
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