9 definitions by A700

Something important that transports goods services we rely on. Also people seem too notice when it doesn't work properly. Logistics planning and purchasing done by companies too outside vendors. point of production too end customer and everything in between. Today it's on a more global and multicultural scale including the backbone of big economies like US, China, Germany etc.
There is a production delay: that is a supply chain problem causing it too be out of stock.

The product your looking too purchase is floating in the Suez Canal, Turkey is where our supply chain people buy it from
by A700 January 12, 2023
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An Italian last name my Dad's Mom's/Nonna's last name before she was married. Name of southern Italian descent. People with this surname are Italian if the double s and vowel end wasn't already a clue.
Mr Massari is coming too visit his flight arrives soon from Rome.
by A700 January 12, 2023
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