1 definition by A-Chai’a

Ever met somebody whose style, charm and leadership ability is one of a kind? Well meet A-Chai’a. His presence will light up the room and he can either be the life of the party or that reserved guy minding his business. He is a natural conversationalist and is very loud and animated. His ability to make others feel good about themselves even when it costs him his own happiness is what he enjoys. He attracts others with his handsome looks and undeniable fashion sense. In a world full of trends he sets the stage to make his own. Not to mention he is loyal to those who reciprocate the same energy and don’t ever get too comfortable because he can smell a phony from a mile away. With his up beat corny personality you will never leave a room sad.
AChaia is a Gemini so choose ye this day what personality you will serve!
by A-Chai’a November 23, 2021
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