10 definitions by A weak dick

A Clash Royale deck that contains Hog Rider, Fireball, Musketeer, Cannon, Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Ice Golem, and The Log.
Despite how the deck looks, it's super annoying to fight against. Its fast cycle means that the enemy can switch to another Hog Rider in a matter of seconds, and if the enemy is skilled, they defend your entire counterpush with little to no damage at the enemy tower, leaving you feeling weak and useless. The Hog Rider punishes you after you spend all your elixer to support your push, you get no damage, and the Hog Rider is attacking your tower, forcing you to sacrifice the tower with nothing in return.

The deck's defense synergy is powerful enough to crush your dreams. The deck's cycle is cheaper than your possessions.

Air decks such as Lava-loon is useful to countering 2.6 Hog Cycle players because the deck doesn't have much air counters.
Person 1: Holy hell. I just met a 2.6 Hog Cycle player. Fuck the amount of times he kited, I can't even count that.
Person 2: Meh. 2.6 Hog Cycle players will always be pretty retarded.
Person 1: I was using X-Bow.
by A weak dick February 2, 2022
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Can a virtual character cause cancer? Yes.

Originally, Elite Barbarians were made to be a Defend and Punish type of card. That was the initial purpose of the card, but as of writing this definition, Elite Barbarians are used as a "Win Condition". Im pretty sure you know what it means.

But simply dropping E Barbs (Elite Barbarians for short. Annoying to type.) at the other side of the map at the bridge with no thought is simply wrong in every way. The only real counters are either PEKKA or Skarmy.(Beats the shit out of Mega Knight, aka Mega Gay, E barbs, E Giant, and every braindead card in the game. Except swarms.)
But if you drop a pekka on top of E Barbs, you get a negitive trade of 1 Elixir, but you would say that the PEKKA can do a counterpush.

But the most shittiest thing is that the PEKKA would be at 1/3rd of its health. Its not enough for a real counterpush. And including the fact that most E Barbs are overlevelled and do apeshit amounts of damage, it doesn't make any sense.
And soon enough, they drop Mega Knight on top.

Skarmy is another effective counter however, but they can simply be zapped or arrowed. So much for that.

Adding Rage, Freeze makes kids autistic.

Side Effects of using Elite Barbarians:
Death Threats, Cancer, Allergic to Grass, and the Sun in general, Autism, Loss of friends, sudden loss of fathers and family, and in some extreme cases, loss of real bitches. And if beaten by a skilled player, ego loss.
Normal Clash Royale Mid Ladder deck:
Mega Knight, Elite Barbarians (YOU ALREADY HAVE A FUCKING TANK), The Log, Wizard (Why), Witch (YOU ALREADY HAVE WIZARD BRUH), Zap, Goblin Barrel (Synergizes with NOTHING) etc.
by A weak dick March 10, 2022
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PNGTuber means Image YTER if you want the real meaning.
The major part of being a PNGtuber is having a PNG image in a usually short video "commentating" on things, such as their video comments, topics, etc. But instead of using their actual face, or webcam, or just talking normally over something, they use an image of themselves usually drawn in a cartoonish style to express their feelings and reactions, changing images of their emotion every so now and then so it achieves something more depictions of what the actual youtuber would feel. Like just swapping images of themselves to express. The videos itself are generally low-effort and the drawings/PNGs are usually drawn by someone else who is more talented.

The usual format of a PNG video consists of the PNGs used to express the actual persons feelings, and then talking about whatever topic they are focused on at the time, and the background is usually a generic video of Minecraft parkour footage thats not theirs. And usually, the video is somewhat short, so you'd usually find one in a form of a YouTube shorts video. Younger kids are more attracted to these kinds of videos.

PNGTubers such as Jellybean, probably the most known one so far has recieved tons of hate due to the amount of cringe and low effort put into these kinds of videos, nonetheless, it still gains tons of attraction and views.
PNGTubers are also everywhere, so its not rare to find one.

10 Yr kid: I watch Jellybean!!
Dude: Cringe, grow up, PNGTubers take no effort into their videos and still gets views lol
by A weak dick March 20, 2022
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A type of pizza many people place on top of their pizza, theres a large debate whether pineapple on pizza is good, or not.
You see, many people absolutely hate the shit out of it, other really like and enjoy it on their pizza.

Pineapple pizza looks like a normal pizza pie with chunks of pineapple spread around it, like pepperoni, or mushrooms.
Usually can be purchased near your local pizzeria, and can also be with pepperoni, mushrooms, and other things.

People who hate pineapple pizza will explain how it doesn't make sense to put fruit on food, and people who like so called pizza, will enjoy it.

Angry debates and comments have been made on a specific pizza topping. Some people hate it, some people like it.
Bob: Fuck pineapple pizza! Why the fuck would people put fruit on pizza? If they like it so much, they should try eating hamburgers with watermelons in it! Fucking devils!

Joe: Why are you so pissed off about fruit on food? You fucking eat it every day!
by A weak dick November 3, 2021
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John Xina also know as Jiang Xina or Zhong Xina is an exploitable image macro of WWE Wrestler John Cena Photoshopped to look like Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong. Although the phrase "John Xina" was used on Twitter as early as 2016, it wasn't until May 2021 that image macros associated with the nickname first appeared on Instagram, due to the nickname resurfacing on Twitter in May 2021 because of a viral video of Cena defending China's military pressure for reunification with Taiwan.

The joke was spread quickly, other names took place, such as Dwyane 'The Rock' Johnson renamed as The Wok.
This joke was mixed together with chinese memes, such as Social Credit tests and such.
John Xina: 大家好, 现在我有冰淇淋, 我真的很喜欢冰淇淋, 但是,速度与激情 9, 与冰淇淋相比, 我最喜欢.
by A weak dick November 14, 2021
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Bing chilling: Ice Cream in Chinese, a delicious treat and now a meme/internet joke made by the person none other than John Xina, whose arch-enemy is The Wok, in a video of Mr. Xina, he eats ice cream.

+100000000000000000 Social credits, good job!

Person 1: Wanna get some ice cream?

Superior Asian Male: Bing Chilling is my most favorite treat! 🍦🍦🍦 +69 social credits
by A weak dick November 14, 2021
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Trump, a stupid badass president, who wont stop doing badass things, i want him impeached or voted out.
A friend of mine is from mexico, but he cannot visit mexico because of stupid Trump.
by A weak dick November 5, 2018
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