3 definitions by A simple man w/simple pleasure

To punch the partner during anal or vaginal sex in the side to induce groin tightening. Usually done from behind so the partner will be surprised and cannot anticipate such action. Once your partner has tightened up that's your opportunity to go to town or pull out during anal sex to induce a red sock to even the loosest of sluts.
Jimmy: I was railing out this hooker the other day and I paid $100 extra for anal.
Danny: Damn was it worth it
Jimmy: At first it was like throwing a hot dog down the hallway but than I gave her the old Redsock stimulator.
Danny: You've made me proud little bear.
by A simple man w/simple pleasure December 8, 2013
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Nick-Dude are you going to buy a bike?
Justin-Idk man, is it really worth it?
Nick-Dude are you Braap-curious, I thought we were over this.....
Justin-I just don't know how I feel about it....
Nick-I don't know you anymore
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The anti-ging is essential the ginger savior. For those that are souless he enlightens. He is marked by the one sole ginger beard hair. But there is an extent to his power, he can only redeem the souls of women gingers and has to sleep with them. For the jugarnut blasts away their souless heart and births a saved ginger
some guy -Dude so is your cousin going to go to heaven now that shes saved.
other guy-Yeah I called up the anti-ging and saved her.
Some guy- awesome man.....so when am I going to hit that?
by A simple man w/simple pleasure October 26, 2014
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