1 definition by 4453-127

The dynamic of a Little and a Magic Diaper. Like CG/L but the Little is being cared by a Diaper who is alive by magic and conscious. The typical powers of the Diaper include; talking, being able to come on and off, floating the wearer or items to wherever it wants, making the wearer incontinent, ect.

The Magic Diaper can be replaced with a different supernatural/magic item, like a magical paci or floating hands.
Example of MD/L RP;
Little *standing at the potty*: Please get off, I need poopoo!
Magic Diaper: Sorry little one, You have a diaper for a reason!
Little: eep!
*The little then wets the diaper due to it not wanting to come off*
by 4453-127 July 10, 2023
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