2 definitions by 349136499349136499349136499

Some black, tall, sassy girl that wants to be a stripper when she grows up. Wears 3 scrunchies and tries flexing it all the time even though nobody cares. Loves Asians and hates red people.
A: "You know Ty'nye?"
B: "Ew."
by 349136499349136499349136499 November 18, 2019
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Short, annoying, and sassy Italian who wears 2 scrunchies and dares people to lick markers. She get's high easily and has an addiction to saying "like" and "literally" in every sentence.
Me: "That's kinda dumb"
Semra: "You are like, literally so rude"
by 349136499349136499349136499 November 19, 2019
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