1 definition by 12345678Whodat?!

1. An old civilization in Ancient Europe

2. An absolutely amazing, sweet, funny, spotaneous, sometimes sarcastic, loving, beautiful in every way, green-eyed brunette who loves photography and urban outfitters. Her style deserves to be in vogue and in every teen magazine. She is short, but that has no affect on her big personality. All the guys love Dacia, even the losers, but she's confident that one right loser will find her someday. All I can define Dacia is as....(all of the above) and there is probably more. She's just amazing!
Girl: Oh who's that chick with that beautiful skin and hair?

Girl 2: Oh, that's Dacia, isn't she sooo freakin' gorgeous!
by 12345678Whodat?! June 2, 2011
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