3 definitions by -meaningless-

The test that asians are good at and you aren't cuz you aren't asian.
Asian: I just took the SAT and got a 1520.

Non-Asian: Giga-chad asian
by -meaningless- March 4, 2023
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Dark Side of the Moon is when you don't know there is a "The" in the front of The Dark Side of the Moon and so you end up talking about Medicine Head's 1972 album "Dark Side of the Moon"
They wanted to call it Dark Side of the Moon, but the name was taken so they changed it to The Dark Side of the Moon.
by -meaningless- March 1, 2021
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Nazi Party member who lived and worked in China and saved approximately 200,000 people from getting murdered in the Nanking Massacre
John Rabe is proof that not all the Nazis were bad.
by -meaningless- March 2, 2021
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