2 definitions by -LongSchlongSilver-

An event that took place between an armed Kenosha Kyle and a legally-challenged libtard with a Glock, which resulted in the former party “vaporizing” the latter’s right arm despite being knocked down and clearing a misfire.

Imagine having the advantage tactically and still getting smoked by a kid because your reaction time is comparable to a sloth taking a shit, then fucking up your witness testimony in court and getting (figuratively) smoked again.

That is the essence of this competition. You might be a little slow at the range, but you’ll never be slower than Grosskreutz.
Friend 1: “So who’s that guy in the video?”
Friend 2: “Gaige Grosskreutz. Dude was shot after pulling a Glock on Kyle.”
Friend 1: “Man, that’s gnarly. Guess he just lost the Kenosha Quickdraw Competition.”
by -LongSchlongSilver- January 6, 2022
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A Wigger, of which is the wiggest of all wiggers. Excels at pissing off the most black people and white people alike. Woah Vicky is the prime example of such.
White dude: Mang, da Po-lice is fuckin up our hood. They killin my niggas 'cause they raycis an sheeitt! We dindu nuffin!
Other dude: Well look at Wiggimus Maximus trying to be black!
by -LongSchlongSilver- May 28, 2019
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