13 definitions by Beans

something reely good. Used in place of cool or sweet or awesome.
aw man that game was sloof
by Beans March 31, 2004
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Kamille is a crazy child lol!! Hey Kamille your the only one who will know who this is heres 2 hints (Backstreet boys rock) (and beans is real! i swear)
Kamille is oooooo soooooo crazy
by Beans September 29, 2003
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Big white male who never swears pants is rich for no reason and has no balls
Parker has balls
by Beans March 1, 2020
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a woozle that hides in the basement, eating pies and what not.

can also be found molding between seats. (referred to as moldy neegars)
that neegar ate my pie
by Beans November 6, 2004
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