2 definitions by 🅱ohn_the_🅱emer

A extremely cool kid. who is good a Minecraft, but bad at Fortnite.
He suffers ligma, if you add him on psn network at: TTUWOO and on epic gamer gang :TTUWOO, you won't get shredded.You will shred him. No offense, you are good TTUWOO.
I rekt TTUWOO yesterday!
Me: Hey TTUWOO wanna play today?!

TTUWOO: Sorry 🅱 I'm grounded.
by 🅱ohn_the_🅱emer November 25, 2018
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A religion of Dr. Phil. Which the religion was around in the Gamer Time Period.
Mum: Son get ready , we have to go to church to hear our Father Dr.Phil speak his words of Philism.
Bob: okey mummey. Ok Timmy I gtg to church.
Timmy : bye babe
by 🅱ohn_the_🅱emer April 19, 2019
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