6 definitions by ‘Aether 00

Shotgun chateau: a huge new million dollar house built to very edges of a narrow lot (in a neighborhood of modest older homes) that is at least twice as long as it is wide and resembles a shotgun shack on steroids
There goes the neighborhood. That shotgun chateau is jam packed in between two other houses and it’s so narrow that the front door is on the long side
by ‘Aether 00 August 3, 2022
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The perverse obscenity and legal fiction that corporate entities are “persons” under the law with all the rights and privileges of the US Constitution just like human persons. Only unlike us mere mortals, they “live” indefinitely if not forever. And, they can buy and sell each and they can’t be punished corporally or incarcerated as deterrence and punishment like the rest of us living in the incarceration nation, itself another obscenity. Since the Reagan Revolution and the greed fest and leverage bonanzas and stock market with its colossal derivatives and mortgage securities bubble, corporate governance with the tacit cooperation of the courts and the toothless federal enforcement agencies, maximizing profits and upholding the rational self interest of the shareholders has become the norm. Any duty to consider the communities, workers and the environment affected by the corporate has been evicerated or interpreted to benefit the corporate.
I don’t care about money, I live for taking down the Corporatocracy
by ‘Aether 00 August 3, 2022
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To skittle is to use the safe word “skittles” during hard-core fetish play or rough sex.
Man, that threesome was so intense that I passed out before I managed to skittle
by ‘Aether 00 November 12, 2022
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“Share always; share all ways.”

Note: the 11th Commandment was suppressed by the Church as subversive.

Sharing on a wide scale is a most dangerous threat to the powers that be whose wealth depends on maintaining and enforcing economic systems based on usury, debt peonage, wage slavery, false scarcity and the deprivations of poverty (and until it was banned, debtor’s prison and the poor house. See also the works of author Charles Dickens).

The institutions of private property - the right to exclude all others from enjoyment or use of a resource or asset - is subverted by those who dare to share.
When my smart-ass skeptic ex-husband asked me “so, if you’re so smart, what’s the 11th Commandment?”; I meditated and prayed for three days until it was revealed to me that to the 11th Commandment is “share always, share all ways”
by ‘Aether 00 October 3, 2022
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One who ruthlessly, recklessly and relentlessly pursues their own “rational self-interests” so to the exclusion of all else and anything or anyone’s welfare or interests, they exponentially accrue massive karmic debts and invite the equalizing factor and strange attractor of instant karma
The Oil and Gas Industry is presently dominated by karmakazes and oligarchs who want to put our grandmothers on an ice floe to squeeze more profits more profitably.
by ‘Aether 00 July 17, 2023
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Joy in the joy of others regardless of one’s own circumstances or suffering. Considered an element of the Buddha nature. An extreme example occurred in ancient times when a Buddhist monastery was overrun, pillaged and ransacked by a horde of hostile barbarians and one legendary monk is said to have maintained a state of Mudita for his tormentors even as he was drawn and quartered.

The opposite of schadenfreude (perverse pleasure in the misery or failure of others)
I’m filled with Mudita when I walk past the playground full of laughing, squealing, and exuberance of children playing
by ‘Aether 00 August 3, 2022
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