5 definitions by —-:);)

C swag is the little sister to A swag. Both of which have held a job at the same company. C swag is rootless and likes to show up to work right at her shift starting time. C Swag is also known as Charlie. She typically gets bossed around by A dawg and Lady thug. She is one of the few who actually has friends outside of the work place as well. Ig that means she’s more successful than others or less lonely idk. C swag has an interesting taste in dudes.
C swag go do popcorn
C swag- “ugh okay”
by —-:);) July 29, 2022
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Keelie is a girl boss in itself. Her brain is filled with smiles and rainbows as Josh puts it. She likes to wear a certain perfume that smells very nice. Keelie’s most common complaint is “my fave hurts” because she smiles all the time at her job. Keelie’s bestie is named Anna VD and they are practically the same person, except Anna runs and keelie does not. The only other difference the two have is their taste in men. If you’re looking for a high energy bsf fund yourself a keelie. They never disappoint. She also likes to flirt with individuals at work to get money out of them, what a smart and classic move. We love keelie.
Who was that person smiling a bunch, she was def. Flirting with me? Oh that was keelie F.
by —-:);) July 29, 2022
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Marianna is a kind hearted individual with a special taste in friends. She likes hanging out with a 17.6 year old girl who doesn’t drive well. Marianna goes by the names of “Nana” and “ma’am” (except don’t call her that). Marianna Is cool. Marianna is great. Marianna is also lactose intolerant so she can’t eat too much cake (ice cream cake). She also has a very strong resting bitch face that scares certain individuals (just one-cough cough Anna).
Did you see Marianna Lopez yesterday? “No” good she didn’t want to see you…:)
by —-:);) July 16, 2022
Tristan smith is a male who works with A dawg. Tristan smith has a very extroverted personality with some zing to it. Sometimes A dawg is concerned by what T tells her but hey, live learn. T likes to use the words “slay” “I’m dead af” and my personal favorite “stfu”. T has a fruity personality and is bubbly to be around. He bullies Josh often and likes to semi harass him. Josh is like a giant child to it and does not force it to stop. T really likes his job and is definitely not a McD’s boy now….
Persona 1: “Do you know tristan smith?”

Persona 2: “oh yeah he likes to bully josh”
by —-:);) February 5, 2023
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Abie Vanduinen is a male of the Dutch species. He collected Pokémon cards like an idiot for about 1 year and cares about running too much. He seems to always have a injury due to an unknown thing. Abie is friends with a group of 5 other people, 2 or which he works with. Other than that Abie has no friends other than his awesome older sister and his dorky older brother who goes to school for jazz guitar. Abie has big feet and likes to say Kyan Clark is not 6’2. Abie is a giant material gorl and girl boss.
Did you see Abie VanDuinens feet? “No” well they are huge.
by —-:);) July 29, 2022
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