1 definition by =xx

A small town in Bergen County, N.J. Rutherford is the nicer version of East Rutherford. We hate it when you come from your town, and hang out in our downtown. If you live there, chances are you smoke a shitload of weed, amongst other things. I'd have a hard time naming 10 kids who don't do drugs or drink.

You've definitely been to the Wendy's on 17 fucked up, and you probably remember hanging out at the arcade before it closed down. You probably have tons of stories about getting wasted at Wall Field/ Tamblyn Field/ Memorial Field, and you probably remember smoking blunts at Pierrepont School.

Most of the kids in the surrounding towns, get their bud, from somebody who gets it from Rutherford
-"Yo Mike, you know anywhere I can get a bag?"
-"Yeah let me call up some kids from Rutherford"
by =xx March 31, 2008
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