2 definitions by <3__AnOnYmOuS__<3

when someone is a wanna-be they put themselves through a lot of stress to become that person they can never fully be. They focus on this task to become this person they want to become that they end up having stress from it. They can never truly be themselves. They try so hard they act like they are a professional on day 1 of trying to complete the task of becoming someone they can't.
i have a friend who moved from the north to down here in the south and just discovered how to peal crawfish but kept calling it crayfish and when i pointed it out my friend said "oh yeah I know I'm just messing with you guys. I pealed crawlfish all the time back home." Clearly my friend didn't know how to pronounce crawfish or that y'all was a word. My friend wants to fit in so bad to the southern culture he is a wanna-be southerner.
by <3__AnOnYmOuS__<3 June 27, 2018
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A name usually for a girl. She is the most loyal friend you could ever ask for which usually qualifies her as your best friend. She can sometimes have a big mouth about secrets but it isn't anything too harmful. She will try her best to give you advice, even if you aren't listening. She is desperate to get married someday. Which leads her to being boy crazy. She tries to hide it but it's obvious. She doesn't mean any harm if she chooses to hang with guys rather than her girl pals. She just desperately wants to meet "the one". She tries to fit in with her friends by trying to copy them rather than being herself. which leads her to having anxiety because she wants to copy them to the T and worries if she is doing it correctly. She is afraid that she won't get noticed when group of friends are talking so she will likely talk over you. everyone has flaws. but if you so dare to point them out to her, be ready for some unnecessary drama! she gets easily offended. she isn't a bad person. she is actually a very sweet, kind hearted, hardheaded, stubborn, loving, and caring girl.
Oh my gosh that girl Hope is driving me crazy! but I still love her.
by <3__AnOnYmOuS__<3 June 25, 2018
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