2 definitions by <**>

The most devastating insult known to mankind. Easily repels all insults, including "your mom gay" and "your dad lesbian" and will absolutely decimate your opponent's pride as well as their will to live. Due to its destructive nature, it should only be used in grave situations.
Bob: Your mom gay!
Jim: Your dad lesbian!
Bob: You leave me no choice, Jim
Jim: No! Don't do it!
Bob: your granny tranny
*Jim collapses from cardiac arrest*
by <**> March 16, 2018
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F.A.P. stands for "For Academic Purposes". You usually use F.A.P. when commenting on porn websites stating that you are watching porn for the greater good rather than using it to satisfy your own needs.
"Dude, are you watching porn?"

"yeah, but don't get any misconceptions, it's F.A.P."

"Oh, okay"
by <**> September 9, 2017
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