37 definitions by ;)

Awesome girl who resides in Southern California with an obsession for Evanescence, Amy Lee, sex, and shows.
I saw Venescha the other day at an Evanescence show and she humped my leg.
by ;) June 5, 2004
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Thtop it with the bwong thilly
by ;) December 17, 2003
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A large dumbfounded oaf with a fat head, occasionaly having one or more lumpy nipples.
Watch out for that wamek over there his nipple will poke your eye out.
by ;) July 1, 2003
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It's a prison thing. Lower inmates are forced to lick the assholes of the leading inmates, but they put salad dressing on it to hide the taste. Hence, tossing the salad.
by ;) April 20, 2003
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MY IDOL! he is the BEST CokeMusic.Com moderatior, and he is the man! He acts like a teenager and isn't a big fan of Debaser. HE IS THE SHIT!!! YEAH DOGG HES THE BEST ADN IF YOU DISS HIM THEN GO DIE!!!
Debaser- "Thwipp, your work isn't very good"
Thwipp- " Like I care you faggot!"

by ;) February 9, 2004
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A noun meaning to fake one's death through the use of chat and lurk for many years to come while vowing through others that you are really dead.

This is similar to the phenomenon of leaving chat 'forever' and returning 5 mins later.
As well as faking a stroke or serious illness to gain attention.
The 'death' of CHE, the 'stroke' of Mikron and many other incidents of chatdom.
by ;) November 19, 2004
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Slang for dank,hash,marijuana,ghanja,reefer,etc.
Yo you got that eighth of squanto yet man?
by ;) April 6, 2003
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