26 definitions by (i am) john doe

Derisive name for Canada, reflecting its anti-American sentiment. Coined by Pat Buchanan on October 31, 2002.
In their quest for a worldwide Caliphate, Islamofascists are using Canuckistan as a staging area for future attacks on America.

With friends like Canuckistan, who needs enemies?
by (i am) john doe March 19, 2008
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GRF is an abbreviation for "Good Riddance Factor." (A term coined my Mark Moritz in "Cooper's Corner"--December 1990).

It is the momentary feeling of euphoria that accompanies the news that one low life has terminated another low life with a gun. In a broader sense though, the end result is the same regardless of the weapon used: the world temporarily becomes a better place, and it was not done at taxpayer expense.

It's a win-win for normal citizens, but the ACLU (a lobby for criminals) loses another prospective client.

Examples include (but are not limited to):

-- A drug buyer gets greedy and kills the drug dealer for his drugs.

-- A pussy gangbanger (aren't they ALL?) pops a cap into another pussy gangbanger in a turf war.

-- A child rapist gets shanked in prison by his fellow inmates.

-- a Longshoreman's Union thug kills a Teamster's Union thug with a garrote.

-- a Shi'ite Muslim terrorist blows up a Wahabbi Muslim terrorist.

-- a Chinese mobster gives his local Communist official acute lead poisoning with an AK-47.

Robert Sherrill is a liberal anti-gun reporter from New York. He wrote a book called "Saturday Night Special," mainly about how bad guns are. In it, however, he raised an interesting point, one that is a dirty secret, something which decent people are not supposed to mention publically:

Of the people killed with guns every year, how many are true "tragedies," and how many are we frankly better off without?

When drug dealer A kills drug dealer B, Handgun Control, Inc., marks it down as a terrible loss to society. In fact, drug dealer B may have been a boil on the butt of society, and will not be missed at all.

When Blood A kills Crip B, Sarah Brady wails "See, you are more likely to kill an acquaintance than a stranger."

When a women kills the man who has been beating her and the kids for years, the anti-gunners say, "If there had been no gun around they would have turned into Ward and June Cleaver and lived happily ever after."

I say GOOD RIDDANCE. One less drug dealer, one less wife abuser, one less psychopathic social parasite suits me just fine.

Certainly some good, innocent people die from gunshot wounds every year, but I wonder how many? Nobody keeps statistics on decent folks vs. dirtbags. So often when I read about a shooting in the newspapers, it seems to occur in the parking lot behind a bar at 3:00 a.m., and the victim has a tattoo of Satan on his arm and a rap sheet like a roll of Brawny paper towels.

Pardon me if I'm not heartbroken about society's terrible loss. Whenever you hear somebody talking about the number of tragic gun deaths, remember to adjust the statistics to take into account the estimated GRF.
by (i am) john doe April 23, 2009
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The tendency among supposedly Westernized Muslims living in the United States to unexpectedly lash out violently in an act of self-initiated (and usually small scale) Islamic terrorism.

Also abbreviated to “SJS” or “S.J.S.” Examples include Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar who drove his SUV into a crowd at the University of North Carolina in 2006, Naveed Alzal Haq who shot people at a Jewish Federation Center in Seattle also in 2006, Hesham Mohammed Hadayet who murdered people at the El Al terminal in the Los Angeles Airport in 2002 — among many others.

In all of these instances, the perpetrators had no known direct connection to any established group, and because of this the authorities inevitably refrain from describing their actions as “terrorism” — hence the sarcastic term “Sudden Jihad Syndrome.”
CAIR spokesman: "Jihad means one's own INNER struggle. You are purposely misrepresenting the teachings of Islam!"

Anyone with eyes to see: "Well, when someone breaks out with a case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome, it looks more like an OUTER conflict against random third parties." (ROPMA)
by (i am) john doe March 18, 2008
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A denizen who frequents the Web site Daily Kos, known for it left-wing activism and its irascible Webmaster Markos Moulitsas Zuniga. Kossacks deride conservative blogs as "hate sites" because of the frank and unapologetic assessment of Islam frequently expressed by commentators.

Conservatives regard Kossacks as among the leading proponents of "leftist fascism," characterized by bullying, dirty tricks, illogical discussions, and an irrational hatred of everything to the right of Noam Chomsky.

The name "Kossack" references the Cossacks, an old spelling of the ethnic group now known as Kazaks. When Russia absorbed Kazakstan into its empire, the Czar used Muslim Kazaks as a special cavalry due to their expert horsemanship and reputation for savage violence. Cossacks often were the perpetrators of horrific pogroms against Jews in Russian territory during the Czarist era.
Tax Payer #1 "Did you hear what those asshat Kossacks are up to again? They are so self-deluded with the idea that they are 'making a difference.'"

Tax Payer #2 "Like I always say, 'don't drink the bong water.'"
by (i am) john doe May 5, 2007
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One who engages in Islamofascism.

In general, Islamofascism refers to the notion that Islam is not so much a religion as it is a political ideology that in many ways resembles "fascism" (i.e. the modern common definition of fascism which equates it with totalitarianism, as opposed to the original capital-F Italian-style Fascism).

More specifically, Islamofascism is used to describe either the social structure of a society living under strict Islamic shari’a law, or the interpersonal behavior of someone who acts in accordance with true Islam.

An Islamofascist can either be an Islamic fundamentalist, or someone who uses violence or bullying tactics to impose Islamic principles on others — or, more bluntly, a Muslim bigot whose religious beliefs are the source of his bigotry.

Radio talkshow host Michael Savage has repeatedly claimed on air that he coined the term "Islamofascist" in his first book, and even offered a reward to anyone who could prove he was wrong. In reality "Islamo-fascism" was coined at least a decade earlier; the first known use of the term was on September 8, 1990 by journalist Malise Ruthven in a column about religion for Britain’s Independent newspaper, in which Ruthven wrote,

"Nevertheless there is what might be called a 'political problematic' affecting the Muslim world. In contrast to the heirs of some other non-Western traditions, including Hinduism, Shintoism and Buddhism, Islamic societies seem to have found it particularly hard to institutionalize divergences politically: authoritarian government, not to say 'Islamo-fascism', is the rule rather than the exception from Morocco to Pakistan."
Since Islamofascists are fanatically devoted to their cause, and all they understand is force, they must be resisted using all available means.
by (i am) john doe March 19, 2008
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Those who engage in Islamofascism.

(see also: Islamofascist)

In general, Islamofascism refers to the notion that Islam is not so much a religion as it is a political ideology that in many ways resembles "fascism" (i.e. the modern common definition of fascism which equates it with totalitarianism, as opposed to the original capital-F Italian-style fascism).

More specifically, Islamofascism is used to describe either the social structure of a society living under strict Islamic shari’a law, or the interpersonal behavior of someone who acts in accordance with true Islam.

Islamofascists can either be Islamic fundamentalists, or those who use violence or bullying tactics to impose Islamic principles on others — or, more bluntly, Muslim bigots whose religious beliefs are the source of their bigotry.

Radio talk show host Michael Savage has repeatedly claimed on air that he coined the term "Islamofascist" in his first book, and even offered a reward to anyone who could prove he was wrong. In reality "Islamo-fascism" was coined at least a decade earlier; the first known use of the term was on September 8, 1990 by journalist Malise Ruthven in a column about religion for Britain’s Independent newspaper, in which Ruthven wrote,

"Nevertheless there is what might be called a 'political problematic' affecting the Muslim world. In contrast to the heirs of some other non-Western traditions, including Hinduism, Shintoism and Buddhism, Islamic societies seem to have found it particularly hard to institutionalize divergences politically: authoritarian government, not to say 'Islamo-fascism', is the rule rather than the exception from Morocco to Pakistan."
Since Islamofascists are fanatically devoted to their cause, and all they understand is force, they must be resisted using all available means. (Yes libtards, this includes counter-force).
by (i am) john doe May 19, 2008
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Saudi Arabia; an ironic reference to Disneyland, which in many ways is the exact opposite of Saudi Arabia, where shari’a law ensures that fun is non-existent.
"Our friends the Saudis" want to encourage tourism to the Magic Kingdom where Wahabbism reigns supreme. The oppression is so thick though that you think you're in a crap-ass version of North Korea.
by (i am) john doe February 1, 2008
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