2 definitions by "gofuckurself"

A person that can be absolutely fucking hilarious most of the time, is kind and is always there for you.

Also a horny fuck
"Wiline is a fag"
"True uwu"
by "gofuckurself" February 3, 2022
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"Kaimalinos a gay lil perv. He gets lucky every once and a while and no matter how hard people try to fix him they just cant. He loves all sorts of lil boys and girls. If you see one in the wild you should run. He is also extremely horny and did I mention gay.
Person 1: Is that a Kaimalino

Person 2: Run

Kaimalino: The Quavion is here to block ballz bc im gay.
by "gofuckurself" February 3, 2022
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