1 definition by .sethconley

Alina. The kindest soul you'll ever meet. If you're lucky enough to meet her. You'll tear yourself apart trying to get her to love you though. She will do everything to make you smile, and usually triumphs, but it will pain you to even think for a second she may not ever love you the same as you love her. She's very intelligent though she may not admit to it, and loves nature. She loves healthy snacks, and picnics. She enjoys the arts, and everything spiritual (not necessarily religious). She enjoys company, especially animals. She enjoys some sports but not always. She loves to be active but will be perfectly content to just hang out on a sofa and chill out amongst friends. Very friendly, and very sweet. Almost never angry-or at least never shows it. Kinda crazy, and you'll hope she'll always be, because it looks great on her. She has a way with words without always having her way with words. She's too cool for this generation.
by .sethconley March 3, 2019
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