41 definitions by Brooke

The smartest, hottest, best, person in the world he is the next world dominator!!!
Elroy: I saw, I came, I conquered...
by Brooke March 27, 2004
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forums used to rock,
then chris got power hungry,
now it sucks my boob.
by Brooke February 17, 2004
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jake's pj's and now ant's favorite day of the year and also time
god..i dont wanna be with them on 4/20 at 4:20 ..it's gonna be funny
by Brooke March 30, 2003
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Hott...awsome actor n just an awesome Guy for my friend megan!!
by Brooke September 15, 2004
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Any seemingly straight, macho, sexist male who makes fun of John Mayer, but secretly is ridiculously jealous of all the ass John Mayer gets that they don't.
Bob, don't get pissed off and become a Mayer Hater just because I'd rather poke my eye out than have sex with you.
by Brooke February 19, 2005
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The most shit and painful sport i have ever encountered. Never take it up.
I came home from *rowing* and colapsed in a heap of exauhsted, painful shit.
by Brooke July 26, 2004
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Courtney i fuckin hate you. not because i know you personally but for what you did not only to your husband and daughter but to his fans. you fucking killed him and you know damn right that you did! how can you live with yourself every day knowing that you left your baby daughter without a father and everyday you lie to her about how he died. if i was you i woudl kill MYSELF b/c i wouldnt be able to stand being a worthless lieing piece of shit liek you are. the only reason half your music did as well as it did is because kurt helped you write it and he was more talented then you were or will ever be. you killed him for the money, or maybe just because your an insane crack whore. either way, i fuckin hate you, and millions of people are still influenced today by his music, yet all of us are have been orphaned from the god of rock music because you had to be a fuckin bitch. burn in hell courtney.
RIP Kurt Cobain.. We love you and may you and your music never be forgotten

Frances..watch out..your mom's insane
by Brooke April 17, 2005
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