yew nork

The opposite of New York. The city is in the north and the part that nobody cares about is south of it.
Hey dude, I went to Yew Nork. It was interesting.
by realdonladtrump March 23, 2018
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yew nork

a place only for the managers. 7-eleven is everywhere, people on clouds, a slurpeeee temple. vacation there? always ;)
cooper: hey let’s go to yew nork!
person 2: yass slurrrrpeeeeee time
by 7-eleven January 12, 2019
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Yew Nork

The greatest philosopher of the western world. Very well known for having "racist" and "homophobic" views but one thing we can all agree on is that his charisma is unrivaled. He was well known for many famous quotes such as, "You are so noob and renarded." As well as another goosebump inducing quote, "FAAAAAGOOOT."
person 1: "Have you heard about that New York guy?"
Person 2: "His name is Yew Nork you are so noob and renarded."
by Bedizzle October 13, 2022
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