A girl/boy who pretends not to do drugs, smoke, drink alcohol, or fuck everyone in sight to seem cool. Mainly is a scene kid who transformed into a 'hxc' kid since they realized the scene trend is over. They hangout in malls, skate in public places and hangout in downtown areas. (Ex: Clematis, Rays Downtown Blues, The Underground, Backbooth, Backbone, Revolution, Dogpound, Culture Room, or Talent Farm) They listen to Minor Threat, Youth of Today, Over My Dead Body, Ten Yard Fight. Drinks beer one night and decides to be edge the next night since they're "finally growing up". They also support the local scene and spread a positive message since '06. They also enjoy organzing kick ass local shows if they get out of their AA class early enough, shhhh!
xRebeccax is a 15 year old xfake edgex, true till 21!

"Sean is straight edge: Going to see xbishopx tonightz! going to wear my xbishopx hoodie so I look like a fuckin tool! NEWJACK4L~~~~~**"

"xIWILLNOTBACKDOWNx: shit, who the fuck is low cool?"

by looseyourcool March 12, 2008
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