there are many worst bands ever...too many,heh heh...

Hootie and the Pearl Jam and anybody who sounds like them.(there are about a million bands that sound like them)
modern music sucks big ol' herpes infected balls
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Zeppelin, Led - (n., sing. but sing. or pl. in construction) - 1. The worst band ever. 2. A band that a bunch of stoners and tasteless morons think is the best band ever, as in "Zeppelin rules!" but they are mistaken. This band's songs last an average of 43 minutes apiece.
"Hey this song sucks! It's been going on for like an hour! Who is this? Led Zeppelin? Figures."
by Kraftwerk August 5, 2005
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"Hey did you hear They Might Be Giant's new song?"
"O that song about doctor worm playing drums?"
"Well that song SUCKED! And that band is the worst band Ever Created"
by dolphinsb13 November 30, 2007
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