Def: A demon creature in similar form to that of a furry.

Description: They stand between 6-9 ft tall in their base form. They come in many different animals ex. Wolf, deer ,goat, lion, tiger and bear.

Skills and weaknesses:

Despite having a lot of stamina they are quite weak and can easily be taken out by an injury to the heart or head.

Depending on what animal they are will decide their Senses. For ex: A wolf variant will have it's speed sense of smell and strength enhance.

Personality:They are very peaceful and only attack when there is a major threat.

The last thing they want is violence.

Language: They speak very little English and are know to communicate threw a language called Aslandonian.
Some can also speak in languages such as French Swahili Russian and German.
Religion: They have their own religion which doesn't seem to have a name we know of yet.

Way of life: most wolfetarian live their life of happiness by trading amongst each other. There is no currency all jewels and metals stay with whoever found them. The queen of aslandonia insures that everyone is happy and everyone does their part village elders give advice and aren't expected to work since they have worked all their life. The queen leads everyone into battle and is the leader in any harmful situations. Her intentions are to keep her kingdom and people safe and thriving. Everyone is aloud to choose what they do.
"That's A wolfetarian a beast that is merciful."
"A wolfetarian is friendly it won't harm us."
by Nunnjustnun February 24, 2023
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