Last night Christine vajizzled all over my balls! What a night!!
by cst174 October 25, 2010
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When a man's jizz comes out of a woman's vagina.

When a man and a women have just finished having sex and once the woman stands up, she realizes that there is semen dripping out of her vagina, also known as a vajizzle.
He came deep inside of me but after we were done, I vajizzled a bunch and had to go to the bathroom to clean up.

I thought he wore a condom, but judging by the amount of vajizzle after we were done, I don't think he did.
by jnastyyyy November 19, 2012
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Excretion from the vagina causing it to moisten due to sexual excitement.
I was so turned on that there was vajizzle in my panties.
by Juicy Cherry March 25, 2011
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A dried creampie on a bald vagina.. whorish alternative to the vajazzle
she was smooth now shes vajizzled
by subway15 April 24, 2011
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Penis. The male counterpart for vajayjay. The name was created by Jimmy Kimmel in a tweet on June 29, 2010.
My vajizzle itches.

The South Carolina "Fightin' GameVajizzles" look good this year.
by LemonPaper June 29, 2010
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When one ejaculates on to another person's pubic hair. Alternative: to salad dress.

From the words "VAgina", "JIZz", and "drizZLE".
Nathaniel vajizzled all over Ami's crotch!
by howlingmadwilger August 15, 2008
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When a man has a very positive reaction to the sight of a vajazzeled pussy.
When I saw Becky's new pussy bling, I almost vajizzled.
by garry whitmore May 10, 2010
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