Pronounced um-let, kind of like omelette, but with an um instead of ome.

1.(noun) An ume omelette, made by mixing ume in with the eggs before cooking. Invented by Johnny Tsunami in the early 21st century, this dish is considered quite horrid and disgusting by all.

2.(transitive verb) Similar in definition to the word let, umlet is just a more uncertain way of saying let.
1. "Why the hell is this omelette pink and vinegary?!"
"Oh, thats not an omelette, its an umlet."

2. "So what do you wanna do after practice?"
"Umlets go to the store and buy some food."
by The Tsunami June 10, 2008
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Pronounced um-let, kind of like omelette, but with an um instead of ome.

1.(noun) An ume omelette, made by mixing ume in with the eggs before cooking. Invented by Johnny Tsunami in the early 21st century, this dish is considered quite horrid and disgusting by all.

2.(transitive verb) Similar in definition to the word let, umlet is just a more uncertain way of saying let.
1. "Why the hell is this omelette pink and vinegary?!"
"Oh, thats not an omelette, its an umlet."

2. "So what do you wanna do after practice?"
"Umlets go to the store and buy some food."
by The Tsunami June 11, 2008
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