Those unquestionable signs that a turtle has been taking a peek out the back door. Skid marks on one's undergarments as the result of turtleheading.
I pulled off me trousers and to my dismay, I found another set of turtle tracks. I can't wait until they finish renovating the third floor bathroom!
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Turtle tracks are when a chick with exceptionally long meat curtains, a.k.a pussy lips walks on the beach in sand dragging her meat curtains leaving a trail like a turtle does, one would call that turtle tracks!
Sara wanted to take a break from all her promiscuity and take a walk on the beach. Little did she know she was leaving turtle tracks in the sand for all her guy friends to follow.
by Shucky Kunt February 11, 2019
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To make turtle tracks = to leave.
I'm bored... let's make turtle tracks.
by sam harris June 13, 2005
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