Transstructurals believe they are born into the wrong body shape but not the wrong gender. Transstrructurals can be categorized as transapples, transpears & transhourglasses, using any combination of exercises, diets, drugs / hormones, corsets / compression garments, padding, & cosmetic surgery to achieve their perceived "true" shape. Being trapped in the wrong body causes much distress to transstructurals much as it does to transsexuals, sometimes with them avoiding social & certainly sexual relationships. Transapples may also social avoid activities with too much walking & especially climbing stairs for fear of their legs bulking up. Transstructurism is medically diagnosed as a form of Body Dysmorphic Disorder as there is still little awareness of the condition.
Transstructurals believe they are born into the wrong body type but not the wrong gender.

Transgender = transman / transwoman...Transstructural = transapple / transpear / transhourglass
by Transapple Barbie April 8, 2018
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