This type of girl uses "u","ur" and "r" for "are" also tries to be quirky by typing lIkE tHiS.
Also tries to get a boyfriend occasionally, but ends up not getting the boyfriend and they block her, and she doesn't know why when she literally said "ur so hot be my boyyyy omg I bet u r so pretty daddy *insert creepy emoji cause I'm on PC and i don't know how to enable emojis*" She's also a pick-me girl when at school or high school.
Also tries to get a boyfriend occasionally, but ends up not getting the boyfriend and they block her, and she doesn't know why when she literally said "ur so hot be my boyyyy omg I bet u r so pretty daddy *insert creepy emoji cause I'm on PC and i don't know how to enable emojis*" She's also a pick-me girl when at school or high school.
"Seriously, that girl is the average 14-13 year old girl on discord , She's just so.. creepy when she wants a boyfriend on discord."