Describes situations that always occur while stoned in public. E.g. the propensity for the cashier at the grocery store to be new and screw up, causing a manager to come help fix the register while you stand there high as a kite. One can have a stublic moment or simply be stublic.
I felt stublic when I started to drive off and realized the gas pump was still connected to my car.

"When that cashier gave me 10 $1 bills in change for my $50 bill I knew it was going to be a stublic moment. It just got worse from there."
by phipywr August 11, 2006
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Describes situations that always occur while stoned in public. E.g. the propensity for the cashier at the grocery store to be new and screw up, causing a manager to come help fix the register while you stand there high as a kite. One can have a stublic moment or simply be stublic.
I felt stublic when I started to drive off and realized the gas pump was still connected to my car.

"When that cashier gave me 10 $1 bills in change for my $50 bill I knew it was going to be a stublic moment. It just got worse from there."
by phipywr August 8, 2006
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