The lord of all that is gay. This man walks to the beat of "It's raining men"
Oh look a gaybar, there is probably a lot of "stickney" in there.
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A Josh Stickney is typically referred to people that don’t shower to often and have very little friends
Look it’s a josh stickney at the park
by Josh Stickneypad June 24, 2019
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The best guy to be with, he is loving, caring and once he has you, he won't let you go, he loves with all his heart in every relationship. Nothing can bring him down.
Damn girl, you really got yourself a Timothy stickney, he's a lover isn't he.
by Brother 6968 June 3, 2022
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When you have a sticky knee and do not have a diagnosis for it most wisconsinites refer to it as stickney
Jeepers Jay you seem to have a stickney there bud might want to get that checked out
by Big peen man December 10, 2018
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