A state of mind where you are suffering from information overload or are in such a confused emotional state that you cant think straight

Knotty, wet and messy - you dont wanna be in that state for long, lifes too short
I just crammed all my revising for the year in one day - I know have a bad case of 'spaghetti brain.'

I have spent all day with Angela and she is just such hard work. She has given me 'spaghetti brain' thats for sure.
by Little Miss Mayonnaise May 26, 2005
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The act of turning your brain into spaghetti with a shotgun because life is depressing.
See Kurt Cobain'd
me: Hey do you have a shotgun?
friend: No? Why?
me: I'm trying to turn my brain in too spaghetti,
friend: Spaghetti brains?
me: Spaghetti brains :(
by iEatNoodlez_ March 13, 2018
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