'Singing' the lyrics to a song you're listening to by typing the lyrics out as they are played. Singyping is restricted to text and is used most in Online Chatrooms and Text Messages. Also, it is a popular concept with multiple people listening to the same radio and people who are insanely bored.

Singyping's etmology is the two words SINGING and TYPING combined (SINGing and tYPING) and is pronounced "sing-ee-ping".

The word can be used in many contexts and works in the same way as the word Singing. (e.g. "I am a Singypinger" "I enjoy Singypinging" "I just Singypinged")
Random Dude in a Chatroom: "BABY I WAS BORN THIS WAY!"
Some Troll: "wtf r u doing dat 4"
Dude: "sorry, when i'm bored i singyping."
Troll: "lol@u. u r a n00b."
by HeyItsMeAlbus March 11, 2011
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